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I am here to listen with compassion and to provide a space for you to see yourself in a loving light. Through building a meaningful connection, I know you will find clarity and learn how to trust yourself. 


I utilize a person-centered approach, empowering individuals to pursue meaningful and sustainable change. With younger clients (and playful adults!), I utilize art and play therapy to make the experience memorable and fun, while also building relationship and opening up communication. I am passionate about equipping individuals to use their strengths to guide them.


For children, I offer a space for them to just BE. 


When parents bring their children to me, they can rest assured that their child is with a trusted adult who is neutral to their situation, and all ears to their stories.


I offer my clients activities that bring out their playful nature, that help them bring words to their true emotion.  They can be themselves with me.  We can be silly, we can be serious, we can play, or color, or we can take a walk and talk. 


My office offers an environment where trust grows.  And as they learn to trust themselves, they are able to trust others, and bring honesty and warmth to their family and friends.​

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